代际互动对老年人生活满意度影响研究Effect of Intergenerational Interaction on Life Satisfaction of the Elderly DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2022.1110726, PDF, HTML,XML, 被引量 下载:379 浏览:1,216 国家社会科学基金支持作者: 毕 靓:上海工程技术大学,上海 关键词: 反哺;逆反哺;经济互动;生活互动;情感互动;Feedback Feeding; Inverse Feedback; Economic Interaction; Life Interaction; Emotional Interaction 摘要: 代际中反哺与逆反哺行为主要从经济、生活以及情感互动三方面的代际互动对老年人生活满意度的影响展开分析。从代际视角研究影响老年人生活满意度因素,探讨老年人的代际养老需求,提升其价值感和生活满意度,降低孤独感。利用2020年CFPS个人数据对代际互动关系展开多元回归分析,结合角色增强理论和角色冲突理论分析哪些代际互动行为会对老年父母的生活满意度产生影响。研究发现:生活和情感互动对老人生活满意度有显著的正向影响,且存在性别和城乡差异。因此,要从顶层设计到社区大家庭式养老再到家庭代际提升式养老塑造温暖的家庭氛围从而提升老年人生活满意度,使老年人的幸福感、获得感和价值感得到提升。 Abstract: The influence of the intergenerational feedback behavior and the reverse feedback behavior is mainly analyzed from the three aspects of economic, life and emotional interaction on the life satis-faction of the elderly and the intergenerational interaction. This paper studies the factors affecting the life satisfaction of the elderly from the perspective of intergenerational life, discusses the inter-generational pension needs of the elderly, improves their sense of value and life satisfaction, and reduces the sense of loneliness. A multiple regression analysis of intergenerational interactions was conducted using the 2020 CFPS personal data, combining role enhancement theory and role conflict theory to analyze which intergenerational interaction behaviors will affect the life satisfaction of older parents. The study found that life and emotional interaction had a significant positive impact on elderly life satisfaction, with gender and urban-rural differences. Therefore, it is necessary to create a warm family atmosphere for the elderly from the top-level design to the community big family pension to the family intergenerational promotion pension, so as to improve the life satisfac-tion of the elderly and enhance their sense of happiness, gain and value. 文章引用:毕靓. 代际互动对老年人生活满意度影响研究[J]. 应用数学进展, 2022, 11(10): 6851-6860. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAM.2022.1110726 1. 引言
经济发展和人口流动迁移速度提升使家庭养老功能弱化显著,但在“9073”养老格局中居家养老仍然占据重要地位 [1]。2020年我国60岁及以上人口的占比达到18.7%,这一问题仍在加剧。为响应积极应对人口老龄化战略,构建高质量居家养老服务。政策出台倡导成年子代和老年父代就近生活或同居,主动承担对老年父母的照料责任 [2]。另一方面,成年子女面对家庭抚育成本居高不下、女性母职困境以及市场托育体系不完善等综合因素,导致家庭育儿压力逐渐增大 [3]。成年子女常常陷入“上要养老,下要育小”的“三明治”阶层困境 [4]。老人受传统观念影响习惯性地为成年子女提供隔代照料,并认为这是理所应当、义不容辞的责任。所以老年父母主动提供家务照料和隔代抚育等逆反哺行为。